Web service requests

The Android Apps Panel SDK provides easy way to communicate with web services.


Future<List<Model>?> getListOfItems() async {
  final response = await AppsPanel.request(
    action: "/path",
    method: AppsPanelMethod.get,
    sendUserToken: true,
  if (response is RequestSuccessArray) {
    return List.castFrom(req.data).map((e) => Model.fromJson(e)).toList();
  } else if (response is RequestError) {
    log("ERROR : ${response.message}, ${response.statusCode}, ${response.data}");
    return null;
  } else {
    log("ERROR : ${response.runtimeType}");

Possible returned types :
RequestSuccessArray : When the api request returns an object list as result
RequestSuccessObject : When the api request returns an object as result
RequestSuccessEmpty : When the api request return san empty body result
RequestError: When the api request returns an error

See https://appspanel.readme.io/docs/user-token-management for token management

Android details


iOS details
