Migration from 4.4.X to 4.4.2
With the 4.4.2 version, you don't have to extends AppsPanelApplication
anymore. Therefore, that means you are able to integrate another SDK which needs to extends Application class.
Instead of overriding public APLocalConfiguration getAppsPanelConfiguration()
, you have to pass your configuration at the install
method. Call it by overriding protected void attachBaseContext(Context base)
in your Application class as following :
private APLocalConfiguration getAppsPanelConfiguration(){
return new APLocalConfiguration(this, "AppName", "AppKey", "PrivateKey");
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
AppsPanelSDK.install(MyApplication.this, getAppsPanelConfiguration());
You can still use the other constructor in order to pass Google ID and icon for pushs notifications.
private APLocalConfiguration getAppsPanelConfiguration(){
return new APLocalConfiguration(this,"AppName","AppKey","PrivateKey", "GoogleId", R.drawable.push_icon);
If you want to use Push and / or Crash report, you now have to implements AppsPanelSDKInterface
, and override those methods :
public class MyApplication extends Application implements AppsPanelSDKInterface {
public boolean onCrash(Activity activity, Throwable throwable) {
return false;
public boolean onPushReceived(Context context, Intent intent) {
return false;
You also have to specify that you are implementing this interface when initializing the SDK, passing your application as third parameter, as following :
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
AppsPanelSDK.install(MyApplication.this, getAppsPanelConfiguration(), this);
Documentation for how to use these is still available here and here.
Updated over 5 years ago