Migration from 4.4.2 to 4.5.1+
Android 8 (Oreo) was released with new features, especially on push management that implied some incompatibilities on the SDK push reception we have now fixed on this new version.
Please update your gradle AppsPanelSDK version to the 4.5.1 and follow this guide.
NB : You can check available versions here.
From GCM to FCM
The latest release of our sdk use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), instead of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). GCM is now deprecated by Google itself. It requires some changes to your integration.
Go to your manifest and remove remove sdk receiver and services. You should remove the following :
Go to the firebase console website and download the google-services.json
file available on your project page, settings, general. Add this file to your Android Project at that path : project/app/src/+buildvariantname+/google-services.json
On the same website, you can find on settings, cloud messaging, your new FCM key. Even if old GCM key still work, we highly recommanded to set the new key to our backend settings.
If it's not done yet, integrate to your Android Project. You can easily do that with Android Studio and the step by step assistant by opening Tools / Firebase / Cloud Messaging
Updated over 5 years ago